
PS3 Reflow

Today my friend bought a heat gun in attempt to reflow his PS3. He got the cheapest heatgun he could find (£18) and dismantled his ps3. After spending about 8 minutes applying heat all over teh board, then focusing on the CPU and GPU we then had to wait 20 minutes for it to cool down.
After waiting forever, and faffing about re-assembling the console, we plugged it in.
Yellow/Orange light was gone! It powered up! Second time booting the graphics went rather screwed up, but since then, the console has been fine! (touch wood). I was rather amazed at how simple it was to fix such an expensive item. Ah well, all good :] Read More


New Car

Today I got a new car! It's strange now, having power steering, and a large boot. Vauxhall Vectra. Larger fuel tank than my previous car, with significantly more boot space. More info to come in time, unfortunately I have assignments due in at the time of year :[ Ah well. More info to come soon... Read More


New Year

Well it's the new year now, hope people had a good christmas and new year. Mine was good. Home alone until some people get back for now, but should be fine. Will be getting on with some updates at FuelledHosting over the next few weeks, quite a few new things should be going on! Read More


In Qatar

In Qatar at the minute, it's quite strange how now 22 degrees feels cold. 2 Days until christmas now too! Will work on a photo gallery for this when I get back to put photos in too.
Posted from Qatar Read More


A Week

Not long till i go away into the warmth for christmas! 1 Week now! Yay!
The weather here is supposed to be getting worse again though, can only hope it doesn't get too bad. Getting rather excited though :]

Updates will be coming up soon on partner sites, will post updates here when I can. Read More



Not long till christmas now, its getting rather cold in the midlands too.
Hopefully it doesn't get too much colder over the winter, otherwise keeping warm will get interesting.

I hope everyone is keeping well, and getting ready to break up from work / education for christmas.

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