
mt.Gox Windows Phone App

Now having a Windows Phone, I looked for a mt.Gox App, and found nothing. So I decided to make one.

I have currently submitted for beta and am doing some testing. If anyone would like to test this app, please contact mtgox.dev@ganey.co.uk and I will select some people for the beta. Full release should (hopefully) be within the week.

Here are some images:

mt.gox app on windows phone
mt.goc app on windows phone concept

I'll update here when I have the App approval and such from Microsoft.
Edit: I have now removed this from store due to api updates and such as o...

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Copyright Infringement, ISP's and the new Six Strikes Rule.

Six Strikes is here.

Beginning today, AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon have all agreed to start spying on their users.

That's right. The US's largest Internet Service Providers are implementing a new "online infringement" plan to identify and punish, with virtually no due process, users suspected of downloading copyrighted content.

Click here to tell the ISPs: no cyber-snooping, no punitive new copyright rules.

After a year of back room dealing with the MPA...

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Raspberry Pi Updates

So, I completely forgot to update my rPi.
It's been up for a while now, as you can see down the bottom left (sometimes it might display loads of errors, my regex isn't always perfect). It's been chugging away, computing small things, streaming my media around the place for me without any interventions at all.
Crontab seems to have died, however i'm hoping the update will fix this.The 100 odd updates actually saved me some space rather than used more which I guess is a good thing.

Soon I am to be...

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How to prevent the symbolic link hack for cPanel

So, cPanel servers can be hacked with .htaccess files and symbolic links. Joomla and Wordpress are popular code to hack.Here is a common cPanel / Apache hack:

et me show you which method "Hacker..." uses to get source of the config files of your website for example wp-config.php and I will show you how to prevent this.

1) He login to cPanel as a normal user http://ip-address/cpanel then type login and password to Login 2) Then he opens File manager (show hidden files "dotfiles") and then cr...

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My thoughts on the "Windows 8 - Automatic repair failed" Loop.

So, I've had windows 8 professional installed on a laptop for less than a month now and guess what...

..I now join the club with the Automatic Repair Loop. From turning the laptop on, windows 8 goes straight into a "Diagnosing your PC" which takes FOREVER.

After several hours, it then states this fails, gives you some options, a command line, refresh, reset, etc. Nothing appears to work.

I tried all the command line stuff, fix MBR, chkdsk, rebuilding the BOOTREC, removing the old bootrec bla bla b...

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So Demand Progress is back need help against CISPA

This is another new internet privacy act. You can vote on demand progress against it, here is the info from demand progress:


Did you hear that CISPA is back? The misguided, anti-privacy bill -- defeated last year by a huge public outcry -- has been reintroduced in Congress.

The new version of the bill would allow private companies to share our personal data with the government, other companies, and private agencies like the MPAA. Click here to join me in standing up to this ass...

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HTC Mozart Screen issue resolved / fixed

So, I was having some screen issues with my HTC Mozart where unlocking was a problem, and occasional screen freezes.

After browsing through the xda-developers forums, I came across several posts which I pieced together to get my phone back to where it was.

Warning! I accept no reponsibility for any loss / damaged to your phone. You do this at your own risk. Read the xda-developers forums in the HTC Mozart section for more information.

1. Download ansar perfect ROM for Mozart 5.1x SLSPL turbobi...

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Bitcoin Increase, my money has more than doubled

So, bitcoins seem to now be increasing week by week on mtgox. Late last year they sat around £8 GBP, currently they stand at £17.49 around two months later. Now that, is a pretty good increase.

I'm not keen on playing with real money in a kind of stock / shares market, so I started with around £4 when the market crashed a while back, and now stand with nearly £30.

So in the small time I have been trading with bitcoins, I have learnt to understand market movements, volumes, highs, lows, all the...

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So.. my laptop broke.

For some reason my Acer aspire 5750 decided to stop working. All windows related networking died. I couldn't browse the internet, nothing would connect, except, i could ping? I don't understand it either. I could ping websites, and that was as far as my networking got, i tried wired, removing the drivers, everything, nothing worked. I've just spent the last 2 days, backing everything up, restoring the laptop to factory, and am now putting everything back.

I will be making some more interesting p...

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