
Pure-FTPD Broken on cPanel

Pure-FTP was broken on cPanel, so had been using Pro-FTPD instead.
The following commands were run to check Pro-FTPD for errors and fix Pure-FTP:

echo -ne '\033]0;#3693577 - PureFTPD Broken\007'
lwp-request http://ssp.cptechs.info | sh
ps afux | grep ftp
echo -ne '\033]0;#3693577 - PureFTPD Broken\007'
lwp-request http://ssp.cptechs.info | sh
service proftp stop
service proftpd stop
ps afux | grep ftp
/scripts/ftpup proftpd
/scripts/ftpup proftpd --force
service pure-ftpd status
/scripts/ftpup --force
/scripts/restartsrv_ftpserver --status
/scripts/restartsrv_ftpserver --check
lsof -i :21
lsof -i :22
lsof -i :21
cat /var/log/messages
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start
nano /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
cp /etc/pure-ftpd.conf .
nano /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start

Hopefully these can help other people. During nano, small configs were added to get database FTP integration working again, standard users were already working. Read More


Okay so finally got the server back online after too long of staring at the screen.
Still not too sure as to why it randomly stopped but methods will be implemented in Janurary to prevent website downtime. Read More


403 error on .py scripts on apache

You may be getting something like this in your error log:

Options ExecCGI is off in this directory: /var/www/myinfo.py

To solve this simply add:

Options +ExecCGI

Into your tag in yout sites-enabled/000-default or default (or whatever your one is depending on your OS).

Restart apache, and it should work. Read More

Dot-Bit Search Engine for .bit Websites

Last night I started working on http://www.dotbitsearch.com/.
This website crawls the full list of .bit domains found at http://dot-bit.org/tools/.
More advanced indexing of page content is currently work in progress. Between soon driving to spain, and setting up a call center and wiring I am not sure on the completion of this.
Although i'm sure it will usually be work in progress. Crawls or the entire .bit network are made weekly, while active domains are scanned more often than unused domains.

Hopefully the site can provide a reasonable (albeit simple) search engine for .bit domains.
check out https://dotbit.me/ for the buying and viewing of .bit domains Read More


bind checking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.

I kept coming across this error when trying to follow a guide for configuring bind with geodns.
The following from pingbin.com/2011/01/bind-with-geoip-error solved the issue with cc!

The fix for my system was open the following file:

nano /etc/ld.so.conf

Add the following line, which defines where to find "libGeoIP.so*"


Finally run this command to refresh:


Then you should be all set to go, using something like the following:

CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/geoip/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/geoip/lib -lGeoIP" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/bind

Hopefully this helps some people. Please view the full content on


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cPGS garrysmod won't start

I had problems getting garrysmod to start.
The problems started with "srcds_linux: error while loadin g shared libraries: libtier0.so: cannot open shared object file ..", then I started getting "pid 's current affinity mask: ff pid 's new affinity mask: ff Game server has exited." when I tried to start the server.
I have built the following script for centos/rhel distributions running 64bit that are having this problem. This also works with cloudlinux.

I cannot guarantee this will work for you, but hopefully it does!

wget http://ganey.co.uk/uploads/cpgsgmodfix.sh

./cpgsgmodfix.sh username

where username is the username of the user account in cpanel for the game server in /home/ Read More

Setting a CentOS gateway up that is in a different subney

Windows will just pop up a message stating that the gateway is on a different subnet, you click ok, and it works. CentOS on the other hand will take your configuration and not connect because of the netmask, if your gateway is close to the interface IP, you might get away with increasing the maximum hosts available with your netmask.
the following will get you access to IP addresses on the internet.

 route add dev eth0

 route add default gw 

where is your gateway and eth0 is your interface. You can then add DNS or addresses in the hosts file

/etc/resolv.conf should be in the following format:
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